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The Roadmap is more than just an aspirational plan – it represents the commonly shared goals of all stakeholders in order to drive the behaviours, deliverables, attitudes and a focus on progress. The CONOPS will define:

How future ATM systems will operate

This is an overview of the main elements which comprise the Concept of Operations and how they combine to create the future ATM environment which will be operating when the CONOPs is introduced. It will detail the principal traffic flows, the navigational standards and instrument flight procedures, separations, airspace restrictions and many more aspects.

The CNS and ATM methodologies and standards that will be applied

A CONOPs requires detailed definition of the ATM Standards which will apply. For example, the communications tandards, data transfer, network protocols and many others which allow the ATM network to be integrated into the wider, global system. Likewise, the navigational performance standards which will be employed within the airspace network must be defined.

What procedures will be employed

This area of the CONOPs will define the ATM procedures which will apply within the airspace and will be developed alongside the airspace design work. The level of detail to be developed will allow Fast Time Simulation and Real Time Simulation of the airspace in operation and will provide the basis upon which analysis of the airspace and ATM performance can be carried out.

Airspace design

Airspace designs which support and deliver the overall CONOPs will developed, analysed and optimised. At each stage of the design process, stakeholder involvement and
engagement is key. Airspace design requirements, whether large or small, rely on feedback, testing, analysis and optimisation. Airspace and the associated procedures will be tested by running Fast Time Simulation or Real Time Simulation in order that the future ATM environment is safety assured and performance assured.

Training and people development

The CONOPs will be the output of a large number of individuals and stakeholders – each contributing their expertise and experience. During the course of the CONOPs development, it is usual for participants to receive training and to benefit from the process of building and operating a strong team. This will be in the form of upskilling, skills transfer and formal training.

The Aviation Masterplan

The Aviation Masterplan will be written as an extension of the Roadmap and will set out how the Countries airspace and aviation sector as a whole will develop over the next 25 years. The Aviation Masterplan will be updated every two years to reflect demand and changes to the requirement which will include the inclusion of the latest technology where appropriate.

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